Domino #2


Marvel ⋅ 2003


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Issue Details




Joe Pruett


John Costanza


June 2003


  Brief Description: Domino hacks her own way into the dead hacker’s apartment to see if he made a copy of the CD which was destroyed. Though his computer is in police custody, she discovers a back-up CD hidden inside a fish tank just before two robed men attack her, though she quickly defeats them. Still wondering why they were after her, she returns to her hotel room and finds Jonathan waiting for her. As she showers, he secretly downloads the CD to a handheld gadget. They argue about how little information has actually been gathered about her mother before he mentions that he has another assignment for her regarding the patrilineal clan network of Somalia. His pager goes off just as they appear to be about to reveal feelings for each other and he leaves, telling her to get some rest as they leave for Mogadishu in the morning. She checks out the information on the CD and discovers information about something called Project Armageddon which her mother appears to be involved with. Jonathan watches her covertly on a monitor from another hotel room and speaks with several other people around the world, asking them to check on Project Armageddon and if the project has any links with Domino or her relatives. Domino meanwhile contacts Cable who is on a mission and after telling her he knows nothing about Project Armageddon, signs off abruptly. As he hangs up, she turns and speaks to the camera watching her, having known all the time that Jonathan was spying on her. However, in his room Jonathan is attacked by two more robed men, possibly the same ones who attacked Domino and in order to protect the information he has, Jonathan self-destructs his apartment, killing all three men. Meanwhile, in the Florida Everglades two soldiers shot a man for, in their words, “seeking to undermine the security of this great country.” Full Synopsis: (day eleven)An underground car park in Atlanta is eerily quiet. Three security guards have been taken out with tranquilizer darts and...

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